Music recorded by: DOMÜNO
ABC 28
4 Ladies Flutterwheel across that ring, pick em up and Sweep a Quarter more
Joseph Fabian
Join up 16 and Circle to the Left
345 Marsh Stream, USA 04438
Keep it rollin, Ladies in Men Sashay, Four Ladies in the Men Sashay
Allemande Left, back to your partner for a Right & Left Grand, Swing, Promenade
Allemande Left in the Alamo Style, Balance
Heads Trade, Boys Trade, Girls Trade, Sides Trade
Heads Trade, Same Sex Trade, Sides Trade, face your partner, Right & Left Grand, Swing, Promenade
Heads Promenade Half Way round, down the middle with a Right & Left Thru
Square Thru 4 in the middle of the hall
Spin the Top, Spin the Top again
Girls Run right, Tag the Line
Ladies Tap the gents shoulders in front of you, those Boys U-Turn Back
Allemande Left all the way around to your partner, and Weave the Ring
Promenade but don't slow down, put the Ladies in for a Single File Promenade
Boys you're leading on this one: Sides Backtrack
Girl follows Boy, keep it rollin
Find your corner and Touch a Quarter to an Alamo Ring
Balance, Boys Trade, Heads Trade
Swing Thru, Sides Trade, Ladies Trade
Boys Run right, Ladies Trade, Heads go Forward and Back, Sides Cloverleaf
Double Pass Thru, First Couple go Left, Boys Trade
Wheel and Deal, Pass Thru, Allemande Left
Right & Left Grand, Promenade that gent right back home
Heads Ladies Flutterwheel
Heads Pass Thru, Cloverleaf, Double Pass Thru, First Couple Go Left, Boys Face, Allemande Left
Back to your own, Swing, Promenade
Allemande Left in the Alamo Style, Balance
Heads Trade, Boys Trade, Girls Trade, Sides Trade
Heads Trade, Same Sex Trade, Sides Trade, Right & Left Grand, Swing, Promenade
Sides Square Thru 4, Relay the Deucey
Swing Thru, Pretty Ones Fold, Peel the Top, and a Right & Left Thru
Flutterwheel and Sweep a 1/4 more, Allemande Left, Weave the Ring, Promenade
Sides Lead to the Right, Circle to a Line
Touch a 1/4, Coordinate, no no yes
Ladies Circulate, Bend That line
Allemande Left, back to your own and a Right & Left Grand
Swing that pretty one and Promenade right back to an easy chair
Choreography by Joseph Fabian
Thanks to the following dancers: Buck and Cindy Bulckley, Lynn and Tony Wasalauski, Don and Pat Lundgren,
Greg and Lois Dutch, Michael Lishear, Marcia Fabian
Produced by ABC Records © 2011. Producers: Jií Slabý, Jirka Scobák, Tomás Machalík