Do Ya Wanna Dance?
Called by
David Cox
Join up hands, circle left around the ring and go
Walk around your corner girl, see saw round your own
Boys star right roll it round the ring and then
Find your corner girl, allemande left
All eight spin the top, meet your partner pull by
Allemande left, come back, swing and promenade
Do ya wanna dance? Do ya wanna dance?
Do you wanna dance?
Heads square thru four hands and go
Meet your corner girl, swing thru you know
Girls fold and now peel the top, boys move up
Go right & left thru, turn 'em round, ladies lead
Dixie style, make a wave, fan the top and go
Explode and swing your corner, you promenade
Baby, don't you hide yourself away
When I get to you I'm gonna say
Four boys star by the right, one time around that ring
Find your corner girl and then
Allemande left and you don't be slow
Come back and dosado
You bow to the partner and corner and whoa
Produced by: Tracy Brown 1410 West Collins Street Flatwoods, KY