Ma She's Making Eyes At Me
Cal ed By Michael Johnstone
Four ladies chain you turn her and then
You rol away and circle left there again
The ladies rollaway and circle 'round that old land
Allemande left with the old left hand
Here we go with the right & left grand
Ma! she's making eyes at me
Swing with your honey bee, and promenade her
Ma, I'm meeting with resistance
Shall I holler for assistance
Ma! she's kissing me!!
The heads (sides) square thru and get me four hands you go
Round your corner lady do a dosado
Swing thru tonight, boys you run right
Half tag, and a walk & dodge
Then a partner trade tonight
Pass the ocean, recycle round for me
Swing with your honey bee, and promenade her
Every minute she gets bolder
Now she's leaning on my shoulder
Ma! she's kissing me!!
Swing her there
Ma she's kissing me!
Produced by: Tracy Brown, 1410 West Col ins Street Flatwoods, KY