Why Don't You Spend The Night
Called by David Cox
Sides face, grand square
How did it get so late, where did the night go to?
Strange how time slips away when I'm with you
Allemande left and you weave the ring
I know it's almost two, I know you should leave but wait
I've thought it over, there's something I've got to say
FIGURE (David's)
Head two couples square thru 4 hands and go
Gonna meet your corner girl, do a dosado
Touch 1/4 then split circulate my friend
Do a hinge, ladies trade, recycle and go
Swing thru and boys run right
You tag the line, now face to the left and promenade
Oh, come on now, why don't you spend the night
FIGURE (Sharon's)
The heads promenade halfway
Down the middle pass the ocean I say
Do a double swing thru
When you're through extend to the outside two
Swing thru and let the boys run right, ferris wheel
Centers square thru count 3
Swing you corner girl, promenade
Oh, come on now, why don't you spend the night
Sides face, grand square
Maybe I spoke too soon, maybe my timing's wrong
Maybe it's something I shouldn't have said at all
Allemande left and you weave the ring
But when I look deep in your eyes, I feel like we're almost one
Ah, something tells me the night has only just begun
Sides face, grand square
Why don't you spend the night, somehow it seems so right
Why does it have to end so soon, please stay till the morning light
Allemande left and weave
It's such a long way home and you'd only be alone
Oh, come on now, why don't you spend the night
Allemande left, swing her
Oh, come on now, why don't you spend the night
Produced by: Tracy Brown & Jack Burg 1410 West Collins Street Flatwoods, KY