Called by:
Kaneko Jr.
Osaka, Japan
STCD - 1113
Ain't Livin' Long Like This
Opener, Ending
Circle Left. I looked for trouble and found it, son,
Straight down the barrel of a lawman's gun.
Allemande the corner lady, do a Do Sa Do.
Allemande the corner and Weave the Ring.
Ain't livin' long like this.
Swing your girl, Promenade.
Ain't living long like this--am I baby?
Heads [sides] Promenade, go 3/4 around.
Sides [heads] go Right & Left Thru.
Sides [heads] Pass Thru, Circle to a Line.
Go forward up and back, 1,2, 3, 4!
Touch one Quarter, now, Al 8 Circulate.
Boys Run Right, Swing your corner, Promenade back home.
Ain't livin' long like this--am I baby?
Middle Break
Sides Face, Grand Square.
(music only)
Allemande corner, Weave the Ring.
Ain't livin' long like this.
Swing your girl, Promenade.
Ain't livin' long like this--am I baby?
Am I baby?
Produced by: Tracy Brown, 3017 Fernleaf Dr. Maysville, KY 41056
Bob Elling, 16000 Marcella St., San Leandro, CA 94578