Muskrat Love
Called by
Doug Bennett
Sides face, grand square
*Muskrat, muskrat...candle light
Doing the town and doing it right in the evening
Sounds pretty pleasing
Four Ladies chain across and back
And they whirl and they twirl and they tango
Singing and jinging a jango (promenade)
Floatin' like the heavens above
Must be muskrat luh-uh-uh-uh-ove
Heads promenade travel halfway and go, lead to the right
Make a right hand star and turn it one time around
Heads star left in the middle go halfway around there
Dosado the outside pair
Swing thru and then you're gonna turn thru
Swing that corner girl, promenade her
Floatin' like the heavens above
Must be muskrat luh-uh-uh-uh-ove
Heads left square thru, see saw, left touch 1/4
Walk and dodge, wheel around, flutter wheel
Pass the ocean, scoot back, swing & promenade
Heads square thru, dosado, touch 1/4, walk and dodge
Reverse wheel around, reverse flutter wheel, sweep 1/4
Veer right, boys fold, swing & promenade
Heads square thru, swing thru, scoot back
Fan the top, right & left thru
Flutter wheel, sweep 1/4, swing & promenade
Muskrat Suzie and muskrat Sam
Do the jitterbug out in Muskrat land
And they shimmy...Sam is so skinny
Now he's tickling her fancy and rubbing her toes
Muzzle to muzzle, now, anything goes as they wriggle
Sue starts to giggle