3765 Lakeview Dr.
Elmer Sheffield
Tallahassee, FL
(904) 575-1020
OPENER Circle left. I'm bettin'you're not losing any sleep over me.
Left allemande, turn the partner by the right now
Men star by the left and you roll it `round, you see
Turn the partner right, left allemande
Swing your girl, promenade that old land
Honey, you're the reason I don't sleep at night.
FIGURE Those heads [sides] square through, four hands you know
`Round the corner lady do sa do
Swing through, spin the top for me
Right and left through and you roll away
Turn through, take the corner man
Promenade her, go around that old land
Honey, you're the reason I don't sleep at night.
BREAK Circle left. Well I'm bettin'you're not losing any sleep over me
Left allemande, turn the partner by the right
Men star by the left and you roll it `round you see
Turn the partner right, left allemande
Swing your girl, promeande the land
Honey, you're the reason I don't sleep at night.
CLOSER Circle left. I'm bettin'you're not losing any sleep over me.
Allemande the corner, turn the partner right
Men star left and roll it `round you see
Turn the partner right and go left allemande
Swing the little lady, promenade the land
Honey, you're the reason I don't sleep at night.
Honey, you're the reason I don't sleep at night.
Produced by: Tracy Brown, 3017 Fernleaf Dr. Maysville, KY 41056
Bob Elling, 16000 Marcella St., San Leandro, CA 94578