Music By: Jim Kline
I Believe In America
Jim Kline
320 W. Larson
Rawlins, WY 82301
Recorded By: Chris Ledoux
Phone: 307-321-2376
Opener/Break/Closer: (Sides Face Grand Square)
I believe in America
I believe in America
One nation under God still proud and strong
(Allemande and Weave)
I believe in America
You Swing and you Promenade
(I'm proud to be an American Promenade)
I don't believe you can keep
America down for long
Heads Right & Left Thru and you turn `em
Rollaway - then Star Thru
Slide Thru the outside two - a Right & Left Thru
Ladies Lead Dixie Style to a Wave
Boys Scoot Back Girls Circulate
Allemande Left come back - Promenade
This country she ain't perfect
But thank God she's still free
Tag: (Allemande & Swing)
I don't believe you can keep
America down for long
Produced By: Monk Moore, 3522 NC Hwy 55 W, Angier, NC 27501 Phone: 919-639-4454