Music By: Jim Kline
Jon Hopkins; Recorded by Brad Paisley
Jim Kline
207 N. Mason Street
Opener/Break/Closer: (Sides Face Grand Square)
Smithfield, VA 23430
Inflatable pool - full of dad's hot air
I was three years old - splashin' everywhere
And so began - my love affair
With water (Allemande Left and Weave)
On a river bank - With all my friends
A big old rope - Swing & Promenade
Your a big old wuss - If you don't jump in the water
Here's where those Heads Square Thru count me four hands `round
All the way - Dosado
And then you Swing Thru tonight the Boys Run to the Right
Bend that Line Right & Left Thru
Flutter Wheel Slide Thru
Swing your corner Promenade her too
And so began my love affair with water
And so began my love affair with water
Break: (Sides Face Grand Square)
(8 Measures guitar solo instrumental) Allemande Left and Weave
Daytona Beach on spring break
Eighteen girls - Swing & Promenade
White t-shirts about to be sprayed with water
Closer: (Sides Face Grand Square)
You can stay right there - When the daylights gone
Play truth or dare - And it won't take long
'Fore you and her - got nothin' on
But water - Allemande Left and Weave
All you really need this time of year
Is a pair of shades - Swing & Promenade
And a place to sit - somewhere near water
Produced By: Monk Moore, 3522 NC Hwy 55 W, Angier, NC 27501 Phone: 919-639-4454