Music By: Jim Kline
Long Line Of Love
Jim Kline
320 W. Larson
Rawlins, WY 82301
Phone: 307-321-2376
Opener/Break/Closer: (Sides Face Grand Square)
I come from a long line of love
When the times get hard
We don't give up
(Allemande Left and Weave)
Forever's in my heart and in my blood
(Swing and Promenade)
You see, I come from a long line of love
Heads Promenade Halfway `round
Down the Middle Square Thru and count me four
Touch a Quarter then Scoot Back (Boys Run Right)
Star Thru ­ Pass Thru then you Trade By
(Swing corner Promenade)
I said my dad still thinks my mom's
The sweetest thing he ever saw
Yes, I come from a long line of love
Produced By: Monk Moore, 3522 NC Hwy 55 W, Angier, NC 27501 Phone: 919-639-4454