No Matter What
Called by
Doug Bennett
Patti Wilson
Sides face, grand square
No matter what they tell us, no matter what they do
No matter what they teach us
What we believe is true
Allemande and weave
I can't deny what I believe, I can't be what I'm not
I know our love's forever, I know no matter what
Heads (sides) square thru, go 4 now,
You make a right hand star
Heads (sides) star left, turn it one time,
Dosado that corner girl
Slide thru, square thru 3 hands round
Swing that corner, promenade her too
No matter what the end is
My life begins with you
Sides face, grand square
No matter what they call us, however they attack
No matter where they lead us
We'll find our own way back
Allemande and weave
And I will keep you safe & strong, sheltered from the storm
No matter what the ending, a dream is being born
Sides face, grand square
No matter who they follow, no matter where they lead
No matter what they offer
I'll be everyone you need
Allemande and weave
No matter if the sun don't shine or if our skies are blue
I've found a new beginning, my life begins with you
I know our love's forever, I know no matter what