Gotten Good At Goodbyes
Called by Cecil Vest
Circle left
What a rotten day this turned out to be
Left allemande the corner, dosado for me
Allemande left, weave the ring
She just got all her things, threw 'em into a pile
Swing with your lady, promenade her in style
She done this before, but this time she didn't cry
Heads (sides) square thru 4 hands round you go
Dosado, swing thru and then, spin the top round you go
Do a right & left thru, flutter wheel straight across
Sweep 1/4 and then, swing with your corner
Promenade her my friend
*She done this before, but this time she didn't cry
*She may not return, cause this time she didn't cry
Sides face grand square
That's why I'm sittin' on the front step starin' down the road
Wondering if she'll come back this time, I don't know
After she packed she looked back
Left allemande and weave the ring
Wind in and out around until you meet your lady
Swing, promenade her for me
That's got me worried thinkin' maybe
My baby's gotten good at goodbyes