Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
Called by: Chris Froggatt Sydney, Australia
Opener and Closer
(Sides face, grand square)
They asked me how I knew
My true love was true
Ohhh... Whoa... (allemande and weave)
I of course replied
* When your heart's on fire, smoke gets in your eyes
Alternate words for closer
* When that loving flame dies, smoke gets in your eyes
Figure - twice for Heads, twice for Sides
Heads promenade halfway
Sides touch a quarter, walk and dodge
Swing thru, go two by two
Girls circulate, boys trade, boys run
Ferris wheel
Zoom, pass thru, swing the corner, promenade
Smoke gets in your eyes
Middle break
(Sides face grand square)
So, I chaffed them and I gaily laughed
To think they could doubt my love
Allemande and weave the ring
Yet today, my love has flown away
I am without my love
Tag ending
Smoke gets in your eyes