Lucky Lucky Lucky Me
Called By Randy Dougherty
4 ladies chain the ring, you turn the girl and then
Turn and chain the ladies right back, now hear me sing
Join hands circle left go moving round the ring
Left allemande and weave the ring
Smile at the sun when daylight is done
The evening is loaded with charm
I wish on the moon, whistle a tune
And wink at the girl in my arm
Lucky, lucky, lucky me, though I haven't a dime
I danced and play in a carefree way and have one heck of a time
Heads square thru you know get 4 hands and go
You meet your corner lady there and do a dosado
Swing thru 2 by 2, now the girls fold
Peel the top, go right & left thru, now don't be slow
The boys roll the girl away, the girls roll the boy away
Swing the one you're rolling with and promenade
Lucky, lucky, lucky me, I'm a lucky son of a gun
I work 8 hours, sleep 8 hours, that leaves 8 hours of fun
Allemande left, allemande thar, go right & left and star
The boys wheel in, go allemande thar, but not too far
Shoot the star, go forward two, right & left again
You allemande thar, the men back in, back in my friend
Shoot the star, go right & left grand, grand right & left
When you meet your lady, promenade the set
I laughed and play in a carefree way, and have one heck of a time