Everybody's Making It Big But Me
Called By Steve Turner & Jet Roberts
Sides face grand square
Elvis, he's a hero, he's a super star
And I hear that Paul McCartney drives a Rolls Royce car
Dylan sings for millions, I just sing for free
Ah everybody's making it big but me (4 ladies promenade)
Oh everybody's making it big but me
Swing the girl and promenade you see
Neil Diamond sings for diamonds, I just sing for free
Everybody's making it big but me
Heads square thru 4 hands around in time
Meet the side two and circle to a line
Pass thru, tag the line and then you all face in
Pass thru and then you wheel & deal (like this)
Square thru and go 3/4 round
Swing the corner, promenade on down
I've got charisma and personality
Oh everybody's making it big but me
4 ladies promenade that ring
Gonna get back home and give your man a swing
Join hands and circle left, go walking round the ring
Allemande left and weave around the ring
Everybody's making it big but me
(SUGGESTION: Substitute the pop names with local caller's names)