Music By: Jim Kline
Jim Kline
Let Your Heart Rule Your Head
207 N. Mason Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
(757) -279-0747
Brian May (1992) Back to the Light album
Opener/Break/Closer: (Circle Left)
If you've got time stay and listen to my story
Just a moment of your life is all I need
Well the Men Star by the Right hand and turn it one time round there
Do an Al emande Left the corner and Weave
Let your heart rule your head, let your heart rule your head
Then you Swing your girl and Promenade
When your whole world is sinking come to my way of thinking
Let your heart rule your head tonight
Well now the Head two couples promenade go halfway
Down the middle and you do a right & left thru
Then you Square Thru be sure to count to four now
You Dosado the corner one time round
Now you Swing Thru then the boys you trade
And you Swing your corner promenade
When your whole world is sinking come to my way of thinking
Let your heart rule your head tonight
Let your heart rule your head tonight
Additional Lyrics:
Been so long since I put my arms around you
I don't know if it's real or it's a dream
Ooh, you are staring at my face as though I'm crazy
When I tell you that I need you every day
Produced By: Monk Moore, 3522 NC Hwy 55 W, Angier, NC 27501 Phone: 919-639-4454