Music By: Jim Kline
New Cut Road
Guy Clark (1979); Bobby Bare (1981); Johnny Cash (1983)
Doug Davis
Opener: (Circle Left)
18825 N Dunn Road
Coleman Bonner was a fiddle playin' fool,
Colbert, WA 99005-5032
He's a backwoods rounder and a breaker of mules,
Left Allemande the corner, Dosado,
Left Allemande the corner Weave it and go,
Coleman Bonner's got a wore out bow,
Swing your girl and Promenade her you know,
He pulled out his fiddle and he rosined up his bow,
And he played a little tune called the New Cut Road.
Heads Promenade and travel Halfway around
Lead Right, Dosado one time you go `round,
Swing Thru and then, well the Boy you Run Right,
Half Tag the line, then you Walk & Dodge,
You Partner Trade and now Square Thru to Three,
Swing the corner, Promenade her for me,
He pulled out his fiddle and he rosined up his bow,
And he played a little tune called the New Cut Road.
Four Ladies/Boys Promenade a one time around,
Back home you Swing your man around and around,
Join all your hands and you Circle the square, and do a,
Left Allemande the corner Weave it from there,
Coleman Bonner's got a wore out bow
He's been playin' all day down on New Cut Road,
He pulled out his fiddle and he rosined up his bow,
And he played a little tune called the New Cut Road.
And he played a little tune called the New Cut Road.
Produced By: Monk Moore, 3522 NC Hwy 55 W, Angier, NC 27501 Phone: 919-639-4454