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C - 5008
Kevin Robinson
Circle left
Well, I walked up to that window
I said give me a ticket please
She said where to mister and I said
That's alright with me
Allemande Left that Corner, Turn your Partner by the Right
Allemande Left that Corner girl and Weave The Ring
Well, I'm restless....
I've gotta get out of this town
Swing and Promenade
Take me where the living's easy
That's where I'll be found
Heads (Sides) Star Thru and Spread
Sides (Heads) do a Half Sashay,
Lines Up to the middle and back
Load The Boat
Do Sa Do, Swing Thru, Boys Trade
Swing your Corner, Promenade
Take me where the living's easy
Baby that's where I'll be found
Circle Left
I'm travelling light
Because I might be going far
Takin' nothing but the clothes on my back
And my old blue guitar
Allemande Left, Turn your Partner RightLeft Allemande and Weave!
Well, I'm restless...
I've gotta get ut of this town
Swing, Promenade
Take me where the living's easy
Baby that's where I'll be found
Well, 4 boys promenade in the middle of the ring
Back home & Swing that gal
Join hands, Circle Left
Allemande Left your Corner, Weave That Ring
Well, I'm restless...
I've gotta get ut of this town
Swing your girl and promenade
Take me where the living's easy
Baby That's where I'll be found
Take me where the living's easy
Baby That's where I'll be found