I Can Tell By The Way You Dance
Called by
Keith Rippeto
Four ladies chain, you turn the girl and then
You roll away, circle left
Four ladies roll away, and circle left go
Do an allemande left on the corner girl
Why don't you weave around that ring
Well I don't care if everybody does a dosado
You promenade go full around you know
I can tell by the way you dance
That you're gonna love me tonight
FIGURE (twice for heads and twice for sides)
Head couples promenade 'em halfway around now
Walk in and square thru go four, four hands around
Do a right and left thru, now you veer to the left and the
Couples circulate you go, chain down the line
Square thru 3/4 around in time
Swing the corner girl and you promenade go
I can tell by the way you dance
That you're gonna love me tonight
Swing her
I can tell by the way you dance
That you're gonna love me tonight