Better And Worst
Cal ed by Joe Goins
Opener- Middle Break Closer
Sides Face Grand Square
I've been better, I've been worse - don't need the Doctor, I need my nurse My
Heart's beatn' steady - right now -
but in reverse
I've been better, I've been worse I'm right on purpose and unrehearsed I'm
singin' in the chorus now -
but I need more verse
All four ladies Promenade it's one time 'round you go
Get on home swing your man and Promenade that ring
I've been better, I've been worse I've been blessed and I've been cursed
Ain't dead last and I ain't in first Nothing's going my way
Figure ( Twice for Heads Twice for Sides)
Head (Side)two couples Square thru 4 hands around that ring you do Find
that corner lady there - you Do Si Do
Swing thru go two by two -Spin The Top that's what you gonna do
Now Boys move up with a R&L Thru turn your lady there
Flutter Wheel across that floor then sweep 1/4 more
Swing your Corner lady boys and Promenade that floor
I've been better, I've been worse I've been blessed and I've been cursed
Ain't dead last and I ain't in first Nothing's going my way
Tag: Nothing's gonna go my way