Makin' Whoopee
Called by
Elmer Sheffield, Jr.
Four ladies chain turn the girl around
Gonna roll away then circle to the left go round
Four ladies roll away again
We're gonna circle and then
Allemande this corner gal and weave that old ring
Another bride, another groom
Swing your own around and promenade in June
Ain't got no reason, it's just the season
For makin' whoopee (everybody say whoopee)
FIGURE (twice for heads, twice for sides)
Heads promenade halfway
Walk in and square thru 4 now
Go all the way then a right & left thru
Pass thru, trade by, touch 1/4 and then
Scoot back and then, scoot back again
Swing that corner girl around you promenade and then
Ain't got no reason, it's just the season
For makin' whoopee (everybody say whoopee)
We're makin' whoopee
(One more time)
We're makin' whoopee