Oh Baby Mine
Called by
Tony Oxendine & Darryl McMillan
4 ladies chain, go straight across the ring
You turn and chain the ladies home again, dopaso
Turn your partner left..your corner by the right..turn your partner left..
head ladies center teacup chain
Oh, baby mine I get so lonely when I dream about you
I can't live without you, that's why I dream about you
If I could only put my arms around you
Life would be so sweet
Head (side) couples square thru 4 hands and go
You make a right hand star
Heads (sides) star left one time and go
Same 2 do the right and left thru
You veer to the left and ferris wheel
Center 2 veer to the left and veer to the right
Your corner swing, promenade around the ring
If I could only put my arms around you
Life would be so sweet
8 to the middle and back
Life would be so sweet