Chevy To A Lincoln
Cal ed by
Barry Wonson
Four ladies promenade get rollin' round you know
Get back and swing your man around
Join hands circle left you travel round the ring
Do an allemande left and weave the ring
From a Chevy to a Lincoln, from paper shades to curtains
Swing the girl and promenade
But the last time I saw her, she was standing in the shadows
Crying golden tears
Well, the heads square thru in the middle & get out 4 & go
Sides California twirl, put centers in
Cast 'em off 3/4 here, line of 8 to the middle and back
Do a touch 1/4 now, triple scoot just like that
All the boys run around the girl
Centers square thru 3 hands, swing the corner promenade
But the last time I saw her, she was standing in the shadows
Crying golden tears