Sioux City Sue
Called by
Mel Wilkerson
Opener and middle break
4 Ladies Chain ¾ round that ring
Join hands Circle - to the left go moving round
Allemande Left to an Alamo Style, - Balance in and out
Swing Thru to an Allemande Thar - men back in and Star
Slip the Clutch - Left Allemande ­ Turn Partner Right Arm Turn
Back to the Corner Allemande Left Promenade and go
Sioux City Sue, Sioux City Sue
There ain't no gal as true as my sweet Sioux City Sue
Figure (Basic)
Heads Square Thru get four hands and go
All the way to that corner girl do a Dosado,
Make a wave and the Ladies Trade.
Single Hinge and then,
Split Circulate go Twice, --
And when you're there ­
Girls Run around that boy,
Pass Thru, - Wheel and Deal,
Zoom, - New Centres Pass Thru,
Swing and Promenade you do
Sioux City Sue, Sioux City Sue
There ain't no gal as true as my sweet Sioux City Sue
4 ladies promenade go once inside the ring
Get back home and then, well give your man a swing
Join up all your hands, you circle left for me
Left allemande that corner girl, weave the ring you see
Sioux City Sue, Sioux City Sue
Turn thru, allemande left
Come back and promenade you do
Sioux City Sue, Sioux City Sue
There ain't no gal as true as my sweet Sioux City Sue
TAG There ain't no gal as true as my sweet Sioux ­ City -- Sue
Produced by: Tracy Brown, 1410 West Col ins Street Flatwoods, KY 41139