Walking After Midnight
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C - 5029
Mr. Kaneko Jr.
Sides face grand square
I go walking after midnight
Out in the starlight just like we used to do
I'm always walking after midnight Searching for you
Allemande Left, Weave the Ring
I go out walking after midnight out in the moonlight
Swing and promenade
I'm always walking after midnight Searching for you
Heads Sides Square Thru 4, Dosado, Slide Thru, Pass Thru,
Tag the Line Face Right, Bend the Line, Forward & Back,
Pass Thru, Tag the Line Face Left, Promenade get back home
I'm always walking after midnight Searching for you
4 ladies promenade walking 'round you go
Get back home swing with your man
Join hands circle left go walking in time
Allemande left that corner gonna weave the ring
I walk for miles along the highway Well that's just my way
Swing and promenade
I'm always walking after midnight Searching for you
4 boys promenade walking inside
Come on back swing the girl round and round
Join your hands circle to the left you know
Allemande left that corner lady weave the ring
I go out walking after midnight out in the moonlight
Swing and all promenade
Somewhere a walking after midnight Searching for me
TAG Allemande Left, Swing
I'm always walking after midnight Searching for you