Takes A Lot Of River
Called By
C - 5007
David Cox
Opener, Middle Break & Closer
Four little ladies promenade once around and go
Come on back, swing your partner, swing `em high and low
Join hands, circle to the left around and then,
Allemande left and weave around the ring
Gonna take a lot of river to keep this broken heart afloat
Swing `em, promenade around and go
Gonna take the Mississippi, Monongahela and the Ohio
Gonna take a lot of river to wash these blues away
Heads pass the ocean, extend, girls trade
Spin the top, do a **single hinge
Men Run, Pass Thru, Trade By, Touch a Quarter,
Scoot Back, Boys Run
Square thru, three hands around you go
Swing your corner, promenade and take them home
Gonna take the Mississippi, Monongahela and the Ohio
Gonna take a lot of river to wash these blues away
**you can replace "Hinge & Men Run" with a "Hinge & Roll, Slide Thru"