Settin the woods on fire
Mel Wilkerson
Recorded on Sets in Order 1957 by Bob Ruff
Settin' the Woods on Fire - Bob Ruff · Square Dance History Project
Sides face grand square
Comb your hair and paint and powder , You act proud and I'll act prouder
You sing loud and I'll sing louder, Tonight we're settin' the woods on fire
You're my gal and I'm your feller, Dress up in your frock of yeller
I'll look swell but you'll look sweller, Settin' the woods on fire
Four Boys Promenade one time round inside
Turn your partner right arm turn
Allemande Left and Promenade
I don't care who thinks we're silly, You'll be daffy I'll be dilly
We'll order up two bowls of chili, Settin' the woods on fire
FIGURE Mainstream, corner progression
Heads Square Thru Four hands you know, all the way around you go
Meet the sides a Right And Left Thru, turn that girl around and then
Pass Thru, Trade By
Do a Dosado back to back
And when your done Star Thru my friend
send her Dixie Style across
Boys start and Swing Thru - Balance
All 8 Circulate
Courtesy Turn and Promenade
We'll do all the law's allowin'
Tomorrow I'll be right back plowin',
Settin' the woods on fire
Middle break
4 Ladies Promenade, one time around the ring I say
Get back home, Swing your man, swing him high and swing him low
Join up hands, Circle Left, you're gonna move it round the set
Allemande Left the corner girl, you're gonna Weave on around for me
We'll take in all the honky tonks, Tonight we're having fun
Swing your lady, go round and then you Promenade her son
Comb your hair, paint & powder, You act proud, I'll act prouder
You sing loud, I'll sing louder, Settin the woods on fire
Sides face grand square
I'll gas up my hot rod stoker, We'll get hotter than a poker
You'll be broke but I'll be broker, Tonight we're settin' the woods on fire
Up one street and down the other, We'll sit close to one another
We'll have a time, oh brother, Settin' the woods on fire
Four Boys Promenade one time around
Turn your partner right arm round
Allemande Left and Promenade
You clap hands and I'll start bowin', We'll do all the law's allowin'
Tomorrow I'll be right back plowin',Settin' the woods on fire
Tag: Tomorrow I'll be right back plowin',Settin' the woods on fire
Original lyrics Settin the woods on fire
Written by Frank Rose Recorded by Hank Williams (1952)
Produced by: Tracy Brown 1410 West Col ins Street Flatwoods, KY