Clayton Delaney
Called By Mel Wilkerson
Circle left
Well, I remember the year that Clayton Delaney died
The men star right go one time around inside
Left allemande and weave
His calling made a big impression on me
Dosado with the lady, promenade
There ain't no money in that calling, it'll lead you to an early grave"
Heads Square Thru and get four hands and move it around
Turn Thru, come back and then Trade By
Dosado the outside two
Swing Thru and then Single Hinge
Ladies Trade
Square Thru 3
Swing Corner and Promenade
Well, I remember the year that Clayton Delaney died
Sides face, grand square
I remember the year that Clayton Delaney died
They said for the last two weeks that that poor man suffered and cried
Heads face grand square
It made a big impression on me although I was a barefoot kid
But he started me calling, and I'm glad that he did
Allemande left and promenade
Yeah, I remember the year that Clayton Delaney died ­ no tag
Alt lyrics Middle breakWhen Clayton died, I made him a promise, I would carry on calling
Original lyrics - The Year That Clayton Delaney Died (1971)
Lyrics by Tom T. Hall. - Recorded by Tom T. Hall
Produced by: Tracy Brown, 1410 West Collins Street Flatwoods, KY 41139