Someday Sweetheart
Sam Rowan
Opener/Middle Break/Closer
Walk Around Your Corner, See Saw Your Own, Dear, Join Hands Circle to the Left,
Men Star Right one time inside, Turn Corner by the Left, Turn Partner Right, Left Allemande,
Come Back and Swing, Promenade around the ring,
You've gone away, you said to stay, Dear, but you'll be back someday, Sweetheart.
Heads/Sides Square Thru Four Hands inside, Dear,
**Sides/Heads Face Grand Square** (these two couples must complete their Grand Square
while the other two couples are directed with the calls in the next paragraph)
Heads/Sides Cloverleaf, Down the Middle, Pass Thru, Cloverleaf, Down the Middle, Square
Thru Three Hands inside
Swing the Corner Promenade!
You've gone away, you said to stay, Dear, but you'll be back someday, Sweetheart.
Swing! You'll be back someday, Sweetheart!
Produced by: Tracy Brown 1410 West Col ins Street Flatwoods, KY