One Night Stands
Cal ed by
Sam Rowan
Opener/Middle Break/Closer
Circle Left, the night life has its glamor when you're lonely,
It seems to help you make it for a while, Left Allemande, Turn Partner Right,
Allemande Left and Weave the Ring, we'd slip into a world of champagne feelings,
(Swing and Promenade) in the morning all bubbles burst, I keep putting those miles behind
me, wrapped inside the feelings, playing (one-night stands)
Heads/Sides Promenade go Halfway, Down the Middle Square Thru Four, Four Hands
Around, Right and Left Thru, Veer Left, Ferris Wheel, Square Thru Three Quarters, Swing
and Promenade! I keep putting those miles behind me, wrapped inside the feelings,
wrapped inside the feelings, ...playing one-night stands
Four Ladies Chain Over and Back! Putting those miles behind me,
wrapped inside the feelings, wrapped inside the feelings,
...playing one-night stands
Produced by: Tracy Brown 1410 West Col ins Street Flatwoods, KY