Small World
Cal ed by
Sam Rowan
C - 5063
Four Ladies Chain, Chain, turn a little girl around and then, turn and
Chain the Ladies Home,
Join Hands, Circle to the Left in a ring, Left Allemande, Weave the Ring
It's a small world after all, Swing this Lady, Promenade you all,
The mountains divide and the oceans are wide, it's a small, small, world
Heads/Sides Square Thru in the middle, diddle-idelodeedeedeeyo,
Do si do the Corner, idelodedee, Swing Thru, Boys Run Right,
Bend the Line and do the Right and Left Thru, Flutterwheel, la la la la la,
Lidelodeedeedeeyo, Slide Thru, Swing and Promenade! Idelodee,
Ide iodeIodee- iodeIodee- leedodelay, lidelodehedelodedee
(The mountains divide and the oceans are wide, it's a small, small, world)
Middle Break/Closer
Sides Face Grand Square, layeeteyo, Lidelodehee, Lideadelideadilidelodehee,
lidelodelidelodedeodelay, lidelodeidelodehee, lidelodehedelodedee Four Ladies
Promenade one time inside the ring, get back home, Swing and all Promenade, Idelodehee,
Ide iodeIodee- iodeIodee- leedodelay, lidelodehedelodedee
(If one is not yodeling, then repeat Opener for Middle Break and Closer)
Swing her there! It's a small world after all!