Wild About Honey
Cal ed by
Sam Rowan
C - 5025
Sides Face Grand Square, first time I saw her my heart felt a little bit funny,
And I just knew I had to have Honey, Allemande Left and Weave,
Lips like cherry wine, feel good kissin' mine, Swing and Promenade!
I'm wild about, I'm crazy `bout Honey!
Heads/Sides Promenade Three Quarters around the ring, Sides/Heads Square Thru three,
Swing Thru, Boys Run Right, Bend the Line, up to the middle and back, touch ¼,
Column Circulate, Boys Run Right, Swing and Promenade!
I'm wild about, I'm crazy `bout Honey!
Middle Break
Four Ladies Chain ¾, Roll Away now, Circle Left,
And I just knew I had to have Honey, Allemande Left and Weave,
Lips like cherry wine, feel good kissin' mine, Swing and Promenade!
I'm wild about, I'm crazy `bout Honey!
Swing her there! I'm such a fool about, I'm wild about Honey!