Called By
Mike Seastrom
Circle left
*I've held it all inward, Lord knows I've tried
But it's an awful awakening in a country boy's life
Walk all around the corner lady, see saw your own
Left allemande, and weave the ring you roam
**As I look in the mirror in total surprise
Dosado and promenade, I see the age in your eyes
Amanda, light of my life
Fate should have made you a gentleman's wife
*It's a measure of people who don't understand
The pleasures of life in a hillbilly band
**I got my first guitar when I was fourteen
Four ladies chain 3/4 round the land
Turn the girl and head (side) two couples square thru 4 hands
All the way around when you meet the outside two
Dosado it's full around and then swing thru
Girls circulate and the boys trade, go right & left grand I sing
Hand over hand and meet a new girl, promenade that ring
Amanda, light of my life
Fate should have made you a gentleman's wife
Four ladies promenade inside the land
Get back home and swing your own round and round again
Join up hands and circle to the left around you go
Left allemande and weave the ring you know
Amanda, light of my life
Dosado and promenade
I'm glad you are my wife
Walk all around your corner lady, swing with your own
Fate should have made you a gentleman's wife
Produced by: Tracy Brown, 1410 West Collins Street Flatwoods, KY 41139