Sailin' Away In My Mind
Called By Lorenz Kuhlee
4 little ladies promenade, one time you know
Come on back and swing your man high and low
Join sixteen hands, circle left, go round the land
Allemande left with a big left hand and do the right & left grand
She's my baby, gonna keep her for my own
Swing that girl and you promenade
She's my baby, gonna keep her for my own
Head two couples promenade halfway in time
Lead right, circle 4 you make a line
Move up to the middle and back and then square thru
On the 3rd hand load the boat you do
She's my baby
Meet your partner square thru 3
3 hands around, swing the corner, promenade her too
She's my baby and I need her so
Hold me little honey, won't you please be mine
Head two couples square thru, you're looking good
Meet your corner girl, touch 1/4 if you would
Centers trade, boys trade, girls trade, centers trade
Girls run right, load the boat tonight
She's my baby
Meet that girl and turn thru
Allemande left, come back, swing and promenade her too
She's my baby and I need her so
Hold me little honey, won't you please be mine
4 little ladies promenade one time around you know
Come back and swing your man, swing that man high and low
Join up hands, circle left around that ring you go
Allemande left with a big left hand and weave that ring
She's my baby and I love her so
Swing that girl and you promenade her home
She's my baby and I love her so
Hold me little honey
Sides face, grand square
Boom, boom, boom, boom
Boom, boom, boom, boom
Boom, boom, boom, boom
Boom, boom, boom, boom
Produced by: Tracy Brown 1410 West Col ins Street Flatwoods, KY