The Headless Horseman
Version 1
Called by
Ingo Schumacher
4 Ladies Promenade inside the ring
Get back home and Swing your man at midnight jamboree
Join hands Circle Left rolling along
The headless Horseman, Allemande Left & Weave The Ring
Swing your lady and Promenade to the beat
Some short and fat, some tall and thin
There's some don't even bother to wear their skin
Heads/Sides Promenade Half, Lead Right then Veer Left
Bend The Line you go and then Turn Thru
Tag The Line ­ Face In, go Slide Thru
Pass Thru and the Corner Swing
Swing your lady and Promenade
*Black or white or even red
The headless horseman needs a head
Alternative lyrics
*I'm tellin` you, brother, frightful sight
See what goes on in the night
*So don't stop to figure out a plan
You can't reason with a headless man
* `Cause right outside, and waitin' there
Is the headless Horseman ­ Beware
32 beats music interlude, ghost organ and drums
4 Ladies Chain & Back, Promenade
Some short and fat, some tall and thin
There's some don't even bother to wear their skin
TAG Swing
Man, I'm gettin' out of here
Produced by: Tracy Brown & Jack Burg 1410 West Col ins Street Flatwoods, KY