Mr Inferno ­ Mainstream Hot Hash Patter
Caller: Mel Wilkerson
Bow to the partner
Heads Square Thru
Sides Lead Right
Heads Lead Right
Sides Pass the Ocean and
Corner too
Dosado to a Wave
Circle to a Line
Circle to a Line
Ladies Trade
Four Ladies chain
Ladies Trade
Pass Thru
Pass the Ocean
Extend & Swing Thru
All four ladies Chain
Swing Thru
Tag the Line
Swing Thru & Boys Trade
Girls Circulate - Boys Trade
back to partner
Boys Run
Centres In
Boys Run
Spin the Top
Do Paso
Couples Circulate
Cast Off 3/4
Couples Circulate
Very Centre Boys Trade
Partner left -allemande
Bend the Line
Pass Thru
Chain Down the Line
Slide Thru
Ends Fold
Dixie Style
Pass Thru - Wheel and Deal
(four beats)
Square Thru 3
Square Thru 3
(boys start) Swing Thru
Double Pass Thru
Slip the clutch
Trade By
Trade By
Chain Down the Line
Men star right
Pass the Ocean
Spin Chain Thru
Pass Thru
Centres Touch 1/4 and
find the corner
Ladies Trade
Girls Zoom
Wheel and Deal
Centres Walk and Dodge and
Allemande left
Boys Run
Centres Left Square Thru 3
Right and left Grand
All 8 Circulate
Couples Circulate
Swing Thru
Centres Square Thru 3
Centres Walk and Dodge
Ferris Wheel
Boys Run
(get ready with a left hand)
(Short walk)
While the End Boy Run
Centres Pass Thru
Couples Circulate
Left Swing Thru
Spin Chain Thru
Square Thru 3
Ferris Wheel
Girls Cross Run
Girls Turn Back and Circulate
Trade By
Centres Pass Thru
Boys Trade
Pick up a boy and
Star Thru
LEFT Touch 1/4
Spin the Top
Couples Circulate
Pass Thru
(same sex)
Ferris Wheel
Tag the Line - Face In
Forward and Back
Centre Six Trade
Centres Left Square Thru 3
Slide Thru
Touch 1/4
Touch 1/4
Trade By
Pass Thru
Split Circulate
Swing Thru
Girls Run
Tag the Line - Face Out
Boys Run
Boys Run
Trade By
Boys Trade
Pass the Ocean
Couples Circulate
Swing Thru
Centres Trade
All 8 Circulate
Girls Cross Run
Left Swing Thru
Girls Run
Boys Cross Run
Pass Thru
Girls Run
Bend the Line
Chain Down the Line
Trade By
Slide Thru
Square Thru 2
Slide Thru
Allemande Left
Square Thru 3
Right and Left Grand
Allemande Left
Right and Left Grand
Allemande Left
Promenade Home.
Promenade Home
Promenade Home
Right and Left Grand
(4 steps)
(4 steps)
Swing &Promenade 8 steps