Everything is Rosy

Called by
Sam Rowan
Opener/Middle Break/Closer
Four Ladies Chain Straight across that ring, Roll her Away Circle Left,
Four Ladies Roll Away circle a while Allemande Left and Weave,
Lady luck and you can wind up real cozy, Swing and Promenade!
I'm looking at the world through rose colored glasses,
And everything is rosy now!
Heads/Sides Promenade Half Way Around now, Square Thru Four,
Four Hands around, Right and Left Thru, Veer Left, Ferris Wheel,
Centers Sweep One Quarter, Hold onto her, Lead Right, Swing and
I'm looking at the world through rose colored glasses,
And everything is rosy now!
Swing her there! And everything is rosy now!
Produced by: Tracy Brown 1410 West Col ins Street Flatwoods, KY