I Always Get Lucky Wth you
Called By
Bill Odam
Opener - Sides Face Grand Square
I've had good luck, and bad luck
And no luck, it's true
But I always get lucky with you
Allemande and weave
I've been turned on, and turned down
When the bars close at two
But I always get lucky with you
Middle break and closer............Sides Face Grand Square
I've had two strikes against me
Most of the time
And when it's down to just a phone call
I'm minus a dime
Allemande and weave
I've had good days, and bad days
But when the day is through
I always get Iucky with you
Tag....Circle left
Oh, I always get lucky with you
Figure / Twice Heads / Sides
Promenade half way, come and right and left thru
Square thru, go four hands
Do sa do the corner girl
Swing thru, boys trade
Swing the comer promenade
Oh I always get lucky with you
Be sure to tell dancers this is not
as slow as it sounds
Produced by: Tracy Brown, 1410 West Collins Street Flatwoods, KY