I Feel Better All Over
Called by
Kumi Takahashi and Mitchell Osawa
Opener : Circle left
I feel better all over, more than anywhere else baby
When I'm out with you
Allemande your corner turn the partner right hand
Allemande that corner and weave the ring
Well, I am as wild as a buck, every time you calls me up
Swing your girl and promenade
I feel better all over, more than anywhere else
That's exactly how I feel
Heads Square Thru get me four hands around
Find your corner Dosado, step to a wave,
Now Girls Trade, Girls Run, Tag the Line
Everybody Cloverleaf, Boys come in,
Boys Square Thru three hands you go, Swing & Promenade
I feel better all over, more than anywhere else
That's exactly how I feel
Break : Circle left
Oh, I feel better all over more than anywhere else
When you whisper sweet nothings in my ear
Allemande your corner turn the partner right hand
Allemande that corner and weave the ring
Well, my heart beats double time, when you hold your hand in mine
Swing your girl and promenade
I feel better all over, more than anywhere else
That's exactly how I feel
Closer :
Four little ladies promenade inside of the ring now
Get back home swing with your boy
Oh, join your hands circle left I say
Allemande your corner and weave the ring
Well, my heart beats double time, when you hold your hand in mine
Swing your girl and promenade
I feel better all over, more than anywhere else
That's exactly how I feel
Tag : That's exactly how I feel
Produced by: Tracy Brown 1410 West Collins Street Flatwoods, KY