Birmingham Junction
Called by
Mike Corns & Berry Vestal
Sides face grand square
Way down south in Birmingham
I said south, in Alabam
There's a place
Where people go to dance the night away
Four ladies chain across, well you turn that girl
You chain them right back home, promenade that world
You promenade I say to Birmingham
And dance the night away
FIGURE Basic, corner progression
Well now the heads square thru and count 'em 4 hands round
You make a right hand star
Well now the heads star left and roll it one time round
Pick up your corner, star promenade around
You back out, circle left, he-he, she-she
Swing the closest girl and promenade for me
You promenade I say to Birmingham
And dance the night away
Produced by: Tracy Brown & Jack Burg 1410 West Collins Street Flatwoods, KY