Country Girls & the Cotton Eyed Joe
Caller Mel Wilkerson
TB Omar Records ­ Country Girls & the Cotton Eyed Joe - Patter
Focus: Dixie style to a wave (medium difficulty extended MS)
(H) Slide Thru
(S)Square Thru
Four Ladies Chain
(S) Pass Thru & Separate
Centres Pass Thru
Swing Thru
(H) Dixie Style to a Wave
Around One to a Line
Touch a Quarter
Boys Run
boys start
Pass Thru
Split Circulate
Chain Down the Line
Swing Thru
Tag the Line
Boys Run
Dixie Style to a Wave
Face In
Reverse Flutterwheel
Girls Circulate
Centres start
Centres only
Dixie Style to a Wave
Boys Trade
Swing Thru
Right & Left Thru
boys start
Girls Run
Girls Run
Same four
Swing Thru
Couples Circulate Twice
Pass Thru
Dixie Style to a Wave
All 8 Circulate
Bend the Line
Wheel & Deal
While Ends Slide Thru
girls start
Reverse Flutterwheel
Centres Pass Thru
Swing Thru
Dixie Style to a Wave
Swing Thru
Left Swing Thru
Boys Cross Fold
All 8 Circulate 1 1/2
Boys Run
Girls Run
Allemande Left
Allemande Left
Tag the Line
Couples Circulate
Right & Left Grand
Right & Left Grand
Turn Back
Bend the Line
Promenade Home
Promenade Home
boys lead single file
Slide Thru
( 8 Steps)
(6-8 steps)
Dixie Style to a Wave
Square Thru 3
Girls Trade
Allemande Left
Left Swing Thru
Right & Left Grand
Allemande Left
Promenade Home
Right & Left Grand
(6-8 steps)
Promenade Home
(4 steps)
TB Omar Records ­ Country Girls & the Cotton Eyed Joe ­ Singing call
Focus: Dixie style to a wave (medium difficulty extended MS)
Circle left
Head Ladies Chain
*What makes me want to dance with every pretty girl I meet
Heads Slide Thru
Those flashy clothes and Cotton Eyed Joe's just knock me off my feet
Single file - Dixie Style to a Wave
Allemande left with the corner, turn partner right arm turn
All 8 Circulate
Back to the corner Allemande left and weave the ring you know
Girls Run
Play that good old country tune and let that fiddle moan
Dixie Style to a Wave
Dosado your partner and promenade her home
All 8 Circulate
Promenade her back home you go, walk her back home
Left hand Hinge
To the Cotton Eyed Joe (instrumental fiddle)
Girl Walk and Boy Dodge
*Now the guitar and the fiddle make a grand old sound
Wheel Around
When they play old Cotton Eyed Joe I want to lay my money down
Dixie Style to a Wave
Extend and turn her by the left and promenade to the Cotton
*Listen to the music as it plays your favourite song
Eyed Joe (instrumental fiddle)
Dancing to that country beat you just cannot do wrong